Sunday, October 29, 2023

Key Post: The Eight Values of Free Expression

The Eight Values of Free Expression are as follows:

1. Marketplace of Ideas

2. Participation in Self-Government

3. Stable Change

4.  Individual Self-Fulfillment

5. Check on Government Powers

6. Promote Tolerance

7. Promote Innovation

8. Protect Dissent

    The value of free expression that resonates with me the most is promote tolerance. I think today we live in a country that is founded on being tolerant of others, yet many people are still intolerant of people who have different beliefs, ideas, or ways of life than them. There are many people who discriminate against others based on their religion, sexuality, political beliefs, etc. Our Declaration of Independence states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," yet many people treat others as though they are less then because of their beliefs. It saddens me that people have grown away from tolerance and towards criticism. 

    Another value of free expression that stood out to me was protect dissent, or protecting minority/unpopular beliefs. Our nation was founded on freedom of speech, which also means that we are free to have our own opinions and to express those opinions. I think that this value goes hand in hand with promote tolerance. Many people in our nation today are intolerant of unpopular opinions. These people feel the need to try and silence the holders of unpopular opinions and to argue against them. However, I believe that by practicing tolerance we can grow towards a more peaceful society where people do not feel judged for their beliefs, even if they are not popular.

    I think promote tolerance and protect dissent are relevant in politics today. There is currently a great divide in our nation between political parties. This divide causes some people to feel the need to attack the political party that opposes their own. An article entitled "America is exceptional in the nature of its political divide" by Pew Research Center, stated that, "....America’s relatively rigid, two-party electoral system stands apart by collapsing a wide range of legitimate social and political debates into a singular battle line that can make our differences appear even larger than they may actually be" (Dimock). Instead of being tolerant of opposing political views, many people attack those whose ideas oppose their own. This only creates more of a divide between parties.

 These political differences I believe have been greatly affected by social media. Twitter specifically caused conflict with the Presidency of Donald Trump. Trump is currently on trial regarding the events that transpired on January 6th, 2021. He being accused of "inciting violence" and causing the riot that happened at the Capitol on January 6th. The following is a tweet that Trump sent about January 6th:

Some people believe that this tweet caused the violence that occurred on January 6th, and the tweet is being used in the case against him. This trial is something that has caused a great divide amongst Trump supporters and those who oppose his views. Many have taken to social media to express their views on Trump, which has caused turmoil on many platforms. This is an example of how social media has affected intolerance of opposing views.

Promote tolerance and protect dissent are two values of free expression that our nation as a whole struggles with. By promoting these two values, we can work towards a better society where everyone feels free to express their beliefs and opinions without fear of criticism.

Dimock, Michael. “America Is Exceptional in the Nature of Its Political Divide.” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center, 13 Nov. 2020, 

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